In our previous writings, we took the point of view of said innovative
teaching approaches. It differs from the children's point of view historically
taken by A. Kay. This provided us a set of general features, curriculum
neutral, we may want for a teacher centered Dynabook; we summarize it in our
"Dynabook and
learning models, final words" writing.
Three features came out in several learning models: text
processor, question tool and tools to collect and represent data. The first one
is linked to the human concept of writing and reading, the last one relates to
how to represent information: statically or dynamically. They are related to
the representation of knowledge and its transport both in space and time.
Appearing as key features in a learning system should not be a surprise, though
it may seem to be obvious, it is important not to be overlooked.
To enrich our thinking, we want to change our point of view and look from
the curriculum and user interface perspectives. Based on our previous thinking,
this will be examined with text and representation of knowledge as the two
backbones. Later, we will discuss the third feature, the question tool.
In the following paragraphs, we discuss the user interface point of
From the user interface point of view, we want to think about how text and
knowledge representation should be linked together. How a teacher will have
access to tools to represent data and information: statically or dynamically?
How such tools could be malleable? How a teacher could discover, learn and
adapt from a corpus of such example tools? And how text will be part of it?
From the curriculum perspective, we want to think about the type of
visualization a teacher teaching one curriculum may want to integrate this into
her dynamic media. How such visualization will be malleable enough to fit the
specific teacher need? And how such visualization could be shared with another
User interface perspective
Text is an important aspect in human culture. It is a way to transport
information and knowledge in space and time. It is a common cultural ground to
humanity, part of the human heritage since the beginning of writing. It can be
enriched and illustrated with visualization aids, since visual expression
likely preceded writing.
Leonardo Da Vinci excelled in his anatomy illustrations[1]: the preparation, the precision and the
accuracy of his productions make him the inventor of modern anatomy. In his
production, text was liberally flowing around the illustration, almost turning
the text as the illustration of his beautiful anatomy drawings.
Dynamic media combines both textual and non-textual information, the textual
information flows around the non-textual information. The non-textual
information can be anything such as a static image, chart or any arbitrary
interactive content.
The former is produced directly from the keyboard or imported from another
source as a file or pasted from a clipboard. The latter is more diverse in its
form: a beautiful anatomy sketch could be imported from a static or an animated
image file, a dynamic geometry sketch imported from Dr. Geo, etc.
Could such a non-textual document be produced directly within a dynamic
media content editor? After all, the dynamic media textual information is
easily produced in-situ with the keyboard. Obviously producing Leonardo's
beautiful sketches requires a dedicated set up, animating several sketches
require another tool. Constructing a Euclidean geometry sketch also requires a
dedicated tool such as Dr. Geo.
To produce such non-textual documents, the user can operate with two
categories of dedicated tools: a tool with a graphic user
interface or a tool with a programming interface by
the mean of a domain specific language (DSL). Both tools are specific to the
targeted domain (drawing, geometry sketch, timeline tool, etc.).
As an example, Dr. Geo offers both: an iconic user interface and a source code textual representation to produce interactive sketches.
As an example, Dr. Geo offers both: an iconic user interface and a source code textual representation to produce interactive sketches.
The iconic user interface comes with menus and buttons to activate commands
to construct step by step the visual content. It is user manipulated by means
of the mouse cursor. It usually takes a good amount of space in the dynamic
media view.
In the programming user interface, the dynamic content is described by the
means of source code instructions to be executed by the underlying Smalltalk
system; then the executed code returns interactive visual content. As so, it is
not only textual information but also programming instructions using both the
Smalltalk programming language and a dedicated domain specific language to
describe the interactive content to produce.
The text below uses both the Smalltalk and the Dr. Geo
Euclidean geometry DSL instructions to produce a circumscribed circle to a
| sketch center |
sketch := DrGeoCanvas new.
sketch polygon: {-2@0 . 2@0 . 1@3}.
center := sketch
intersectionOf: (sketch perpendicularBisector: -2@0 to: 2@0)
and: (sketch perpendicularBisector: 2@0 to: 1@3).
sketch circleCenter: center to: 2@0
The resulting interactive content can be mouse manipulated by the user, i.e.
drag the triangle or the lines. Bellow a view of the interactive content
exported as a static image:
The graphic user interface tool is required to learn the iconic interface
while the programming interface tool is required to learn both the Smalltalk
and DSL programming instructions.
The graphic user interface learning effort is not transferable from one tool
to another while in the programming interface the Smalltalk instructions
learning effort is 100% transferable from one tool to another one. The learning
effort in the domain specific language (DSL) part is partially transferable,
several DSLs may semantically overlap in the way their specific domain is
The graphic user interface is user discoverable: menus and buttons tool tips
give textual information on how to use the graphic commands. The programming
interface is not discoverable, it requires a dedicated corpus of examples,
how-to and documentation to discover what it can offer. An assistant agent may
provide valuable guidance, though.
With its 100% textual representation, the programming interface blends
nicely with the other text content. Moreover, it makes the user interface for
the whole dynamic media simpler but requires more user assistance to elaborate
the expected visual content.
Each interface offers pros and cons: graphical user interface seems easier
to start with while the programming interface may offer more rewards in the
long term. It is rooted to more fundamental computer science knowledge such as
programming and data representation.
The learning code trend
For 10 years, there has been an important trend on children learning code.
Dedicated tools for visual programming were developed for kids. Etoys
development started around 1996, it was developed as a tile based programming
interface to the Squeak Smalltalk programming language. Etoys aim is to assist
children on manipulating ideas and concepts with multimedia contents. The first
version of Scratch, the popular visual programming environment, was released in
2007 and developed with Squeak Smalltalk. When comparing to Etoys, Scratch is
focused on multimedia creation, its narrow goal likely helps for better
Then what about the programming for teachers? Looking again at the dynamic
media content, a programming interface, to design interactive contents, makes
perfect sense: teachers comfortable with programming techniques are more
capable of helping students on programming. It requires the teacher to learn
basic programming, though. Nevertheless, it is a kind of alphabetization
effort, with life-long benefits to acquire the deep knowledge on computing
which is transferable to related domains. The reward of this effort is to be
able to produce dynamic media content.
Of course, dedicated, well designed dynamic media tools and a large corpus
of DSL implementations, documentation and assistants are necessary to make the
learning effort accessible to teachers.
We have discussed the importance of programming from a teacher point of
view, so what kind of environment should be proposed to a teacher?
With this environment a teacher designs her pedagogical documents as dynamic
media. Such documents are used by the teacher in the classroom or/and shared on
the students own Dynabook.
It is composed of both textual and dynamic contents, designed with a
programming interface. In such a document, text flows around dynamic content
inserted in the text from templates. These templates are accessible from an
indexed corpus. The teacher browses the corpus templates through its categories
or she searches it with keyword tags.
Once the teacher finds the desired template, she drags it into her text. The
template is instantiated as a frame view in the text. This view is the result
of the execution of the template code. From the template frame box, the teacher
can also edit the source code and recompile it to get the precise intended
interactive content. The edit and recompile cycle can be repeated as many times
as necessary. Optionally, she saves her edited interactive content as a new
template for later reuse.
The switch between the source code and its resulting interactive content is
sketched as bellow:
More precisely, the templates come in the form of pure Smalltalk code, with
a preamble declaring, among other things, the Smalltalk DSL package (a
collection of classes) it depends on.
To summarize, in term of tools, the dynamic media editor comes with:
- A text editor and viewer tool, optionally with rich text format capabilities. In this editor, templates are dropped to produce a frame view where the template logic is rendered.
- Tools to browse the templates by categories or to search with keywords.
- A tool to edit, to compile and to execute the template code. The Smalltalk developer tools such as the debugger, the inspector and the class browser will be naturally accessible from there.
- Template documentation: each template will come with dedicated documentation explaining its specific DSL.
- Smalltalk documentation: programmers starting guide, technical class memo searchable by indexes or keyword.
- Assistant agent to help the teacher designing its interactive content with template.
Any opinion on the topic? If so leave a comment for further reflection.
Thanks to Michael Davis for his editing.
[1] L. Da Vinci, Anatomy sketches, 1487-1516
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